
Stress And Anxiety Rising – The Why’s & Ways To Cope
Why Are We So Stressed And Anxious these Days? I was recently sitting in my office when it hit me; there really is more stress and anxiety these days. It’s seen in all ages, and across all socioeconomic categories. You’re probably saying, of course, you’re a psychotherapist. Yes, stress and

Life Without ED – A Triumph of Recovery
Guest Article by Shannon Ramos, LMSW A True Story of Eating Disorder Recovery Jenni Schaefer is the author of a book called, Life Without Ed. Along with being an author, she is also a successful songwriter and singer. Jenni is also a young woman, who at the age of four

Mindfulness In Eating Disorder Recovery
Guest Article by Shannon Ramos, LMSW The Power of Mindfulness in Recovery Recovery-Different Perspectives Recovery can look different and mean different things to different people. Most people who have experienced real recovery would agree that it is not an easy process, yet a process worth doing. Over all, many people

Failure To Launch – Insights & Solutions
Mission Control We Have A Failure To Launch However, this Failure To Launch doesn’t involve the space program. It involves young adults, their families, and social/economic issues. Failure To Launch isn’t a diagnosis or disease, or even a disorder. It’s commonly referred to as a syndrome. According to 2023 real

Beauty Weight and Worth – How It’s Used Against You
Become Aware, Change Your Perceptions,Reclaim Your Health & Happiness Beauty has always been valued and sought after. But, worth based on weight and body image is a relatively new phenomenon. Advancements in conditioning and brainwashing, I mean marketing, has caused epidemic levels of this phenomenon. I’ve seen a distinct up-tick

Anxiety and Depression During College Years
Mental Health Impact of Higher Education Off to college. An exciting time of freedom and expanding one’s self awareness and consciousness. Opportunities abound to learn new ideas, as well as skills for professional life. That’s the awesome part, but there is a flip side. 1 in 5 college students experience