
Teen Anxiety and What You Can do to Help
Anxiety is Normal, Unless it Has Taken Over Your Life This article will focus on teenage anxiety and how to cope. First, it’s important to understand that anxiety in itself is a normal human experience. A lack of anxiety would be a bad thing, in that it helps us adapt

Eating Disorders – Demi Lovato’s Struggles
Eating Disorders Don’t Discriminate Eating Disorders: A Little Background Eating disorders are usually triggered by sudden or sustained trauma, and/or acute stress. Perhaps you, or a loved one, is suffering from one, but you’re not sure. Here’s what you need to know. An eating disorder describes an unusual relationship between

Body Positivity Acceptance Increases Happiness
Embrace Body Positivity Acceptance Summer is underway, and the pressure from the annual ‘Getting Your Body Ready for the Beach’ marketing campaign is intense. Constant reminders abound to look a certain way, or feel badly about ourselves for not matching an often unrealistic idealized physique. Being healthy is far more

Focus On Mental Health – Stop Ignoring Yours
Make Good Mental Health a Priority Mental Health Perceptions Seeking medical help for mental health conditions is often associated with a variety of negative stereotypes. Some still consider Mental illness a taboo in our society, and around the world. This discourages those affected by them to get the proper treatment

Beat The Winter Blues – Help For SAD
Have Less SAD-ness During Winter or Seasonal Change The driveway is buried under a mountain of snow, and you burrow even further into your blankets, drained even at the thought of having to venture outside. It’s weird, because you don’t exactly consider yourself the melancholy type, but can’t help feel

Living Right – The Four Agreements
Guest Article by Intern Christine Scarane Living Right Through The Four Agreements The best resolution you can make for 2018 is a commitment to living right. There is constant pressure to please others around us. But, most people do not stop and think mmm, but what do I want? Our generation